At MAP, we are excited to announce the commencement of our Walking Wheels Wheelchair rental program. Various conditions, such as IVDD, hip dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, arthritis, amputation, or post-surgery, can make it challenging for your pet to walk independently. It’s ideal to collaborate with our therapists to determine the best plan, which may involve the use of supportive wheels. We can custom-fit these wheels based on your pet’s measurements and condition, enabling you to enroll in our convenient rental program.


Recognizing that some dogs may not need wheelchairs permanently, we strive to offer a straightforward and hassle-free way to make Walkin’ Wheels wheelchairs available for short-term use, avoiding the complexities of some rental programs. Our primary focus is your pet’s well-being, and this journey begins with a consultation with one of our highly trained physiotherapists or rehab therapists to determine the optimal fit.


For accurate fitting, please call or book online, and we’ll ensure the wheels are tailored correctly during your appointment. Your pet’s comfort and mobility are our utmost priorities.


  • Lyn Mucenieks


    I would like some information on the Dog Wheelchairs for hire and, in particular, full quad wheelchairs.

    I have a 13 year old Silky Terrier with bad rear knees. Due to her age, underlying medical conditions and the cost of surgery, I don’t want to proceed with surgery.

    I look forward to hearing for you
    Kind regards,

    Posted January 23, 2024 7:20 pm 0Likes
    • Lauren Elliott

      Hi Lyn, please reach out to us at the clinic to discuss on 70431111.

      Posted June 6, 2024 7:09 am 0Likes
  • Mohini Smith

    I am looking to hire for my 8 1/2 year old dog.

    Posted April 11, 2024 4:20 pm 0Likes
    • Lauren Elliott

      Hello, please reach out to us to discuss on 70431111.

      Posted June 6, 2024 7:10 am 0Likes
  • Millie

    We are from NSW. Do you know of anything like yours here? Our German Shepherd Rossy has lost his mobility on back legs. My heart breaks seeing him (normally so active) just lying there 24/7. He’s 10 so no surgery. It’s a waiting game plan now so hiring wheelchair best for him. Thanks so much. Kindly Millie

    Posted June 6, 2024 7:03 am 0Likes
    • Lauren Elliott

      Hello, I’m so sorry to hear that. We can absolutely help and supply a wheelchair rental for you- can send it to you if you need. Please reach out to us or call 0370431111 to discuss. We can also offer Telehealth services if you like? Lauren

      Posted June 6, 2024 7:08 am 0Likes
  • Mona dog is 13 year old Ridgeback cross considered a giant dog. He’s back legs are weak n he can no longer stand up. I would like to try let him use a wheelchair so he can get some fresh air outside walks. When is the quickest wheelchair available?

    Posted June 28, 2024 9:15 am 0Likes

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